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Чикен Ранч Photo 2
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Nutritional value per 100 g
  • Energy value
    174.353 ккал
  • Protein
    9.88 г
  • Fats
    7.369 г
  • Carbohydrates
    17.702 г
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Pizza Pizza Chicken Ranch, фото 1, цена от 155 грн

Pizza Pizza Chicken Ranch

In stock
Ранч Соус (Основа), бекон , помидор , моцарелла
Чикен Ранч Photo 9
Dough “With side”

Pizza on traditional American-style dough with fluffy sides.

Чикен Ранч Photo 10
Dough “Thin”

Pizza on a thin crust without sides. For lovers of the classic version of Italian pizza

Чикен Ранч Photo 11
Dough “Hot Dog”

Pizza on traditional American-style dough with fluffy sides with a sausage inside

Чикен Ранч Photo 12
Dough “Cheese side”

Pizza on traditional American-style dough with fluffy sides with cheese inside

Чикен Ранч Photo 13
Dough “Sesame side”

Pizza on traditional American style dough with sesame sides

210 ₴ / г
Add more toppings
smoked chicken
smoked chicken
60 г / 33 ₴
pickled Cucumber
pickled Cucumber
35 г / 12 ₴
50 г / 25 ₴
Jalapeno pepper
Jalapeno pepper
16 г / 17 ₴
30 г / 24 ₴
30 г / 14 ₴